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(copy pasting everything from the old site)


First we’ll start with basic network security testing and mapping. Common tools used for this are:

  • aircrack-ng
  • wireshark
  • nmap
  • airgeddon
  • etherape
  • mtr
  • tcpdump
  • traceroute

Its recommended that you use a debian-based distro such as Kali Linux Or Parrot OS or if you have the balls to install a 20+gb ISO… BlackArch

Or BackTrack if you’re feeling nostalgic 😔

To install these tools on your computer. You can use the advanced package tool apt to install these tools or If you’re on arch (btw), pacman has all of these on the aur.

sudo apt-get update # update
sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng wireshark-qt nmap etherape mtr tcpdump traceroute net-tools

WiFi Attacks with Aircrack-ng

So… Now you decide you wanna test your wireless network’s security. Lets jump right into it! Tools which we’ll be using for this are the aircrack-ng suite. These can be used to put your networking device into monitor mode, scan for wireless networks around you and finally.. crack them. Let’s start this by firing up a temrinal.

You will need to be a superuser/admin to use these commands so make sure you have a root terminal open or use su root or sudo su to do so.

Bash (root)

This command will show all your wireless and wired interfaces for networks that your computer has access to. You will have to select a wireless interface. The default value for a wireless interface on linux usually starts with wl ( Example: wlan0 (standing for Wireless Local Area Network #0).

Once you have found your wireless adapter name, you need to put it in monitor mode to look for (monitor) networks. This is done by running the following command:

Bash (root)
airmon-ng check kill
airmon-ng start <interface name>
airmon-ng check kill
airmon-ng start wlan0

This will start the adapter in monitor mode.

So now we have our wireless card in monitor mode. Time to scan for some networks! The command airodump-ng will scan for wireless networks around you. But you will have to specify a wireless network interface for it to scan with.

Bash (root)
airodump-ng <interface name>
airodump-ng wlan0

This basically lists all the wireless networks’ MAC ID’s (BSSID) and their channel. It also lists the BSSIDs of the devices connected to it (station).


Now what you gotta do to get a .cap file (caplet) is create a handshake between a device joining the network and the network itself. To do this you have to kick a device off the network using the STATION MAC ID (station). and the BSSID of the network shown next to it (BSSID). You will also have to write this data to a .cap file for cracking later. Note the BSSID of the router, the channel that its on and the STATION MAC ID to kick off the network. Also note down the name of the file you want to save the .cap to. Now you will have to run aireplay-ng while airodump-ng is running as you have to capture a handshake- not just kick someone off the wifi.

Follow these steps and replace the respective values in brackets with the values you got from the airodump-ng output.

Window 1:

Terminal window

Window 2:

Terminal window

remind me to find the old content of this page since the old blog didn’t have all of the text either